I would love to know the very first sentence that ultimately led to Theja's cultural tour of the United States through the U.S. Department of State's International Visitor Leadership Program. I imagine that the words were
un-spectacular, spoken over dinner in between other words that were used to compliment the spice on the chicken and to plan for a meeting the next day. I also can't remember the first sentence that Brian and I exchanged about the possibility of going to Nagaland, though I can guarantee that it had nothing to do with how to pack our suitcases. I remember very clearly, however, the first time that Brian floated the idea of bringing Naga filmmakers back to the United States. We were sitting around the fire in Theja and Angel's kitchen on the last night of our trip. At the moment this photo was taken, everything was imaginary.
Now, as I sit in my own kitchen in Rochester, I am THRILLED to announce that, in less than three weeks, we will be standing at JFK Airport awaiting the arrival of five Naga filmmakers: Ms. Sesino Yhoshu, Ms. Sophy Lasuh, Mr. Myingthungo Lotha, Mr. Liyo Kikon, and Mr. Kele Yhoshu. Our itinerary includes a whirlwind tour of New York City, Rochester, and the Adirondack mountains. We will be going to film studios, art museums, music festivals, and movie screenings. Our hope is that they will be able to develop as many artistic relationships and gain as many new experiences here as Brian and I did there.
Theja wrote this week to confirm that all five visas had been granted. Only hours later, he sent another email with the title "CRAZY THOUGHTS". It starts, "Just thinking out loud, what do you think about the possibility of Rattle & Hum [Music Society] inviting a few artists from Rochester to come to Nagaland and just paint for one whole week?...How about another possibility of having a few young filmmakers from your city come to participate with other Naga filmmakers during Glocal this year?"
As of July 29th, 2011, these are only sentences. :)